Because We Can - Fulltime RV'ing


What Did We Do Today?

Tuesday June 16 Livingston, TX

A Somewhat Worse Poor Linda Day


This is what I saw this morning what I saw when I looked at the sink. Linda smiled and said, "Looks like the spoon fairy was here." I took that as great news as she was back to teasing me again. Count them, seven spoons she had managed to get dirty. When I asked how it happened she said she didn't want to put any spoon she had used back into the container to get another spoonful of food. Makes for a lot of dishwashing but also makes for a: Very Happy Bob.


Tropical Storm Bill dump an unreal amount of rain on us this afternoon. Note the water pouring off the slide cover and down the left side of the window.

Unfortunately Linda took a turn for the worse this afternoon and by tonight had decided she needed to go back to the doctor tomorrow. Whatever this is she has, it is very nasty. It makes her a grouchy bear, but not in her usual way. I try to do all I can for her, but it doesn't make the hurt go away. I will handle the on call duties tomorrow while she tries to find some medicine that will make her better. And as much as I want her to feel better, she wants the same thing far more. Sorry for the down post, but when Linda hurts, I hurt. Sick Linda. Hurting Bob.



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