Ben Ben
Brings Us Europe

Venice - Canal we say more?

Venice, the very name conjures up romance. Gondola rides, candle light dinners, old world charm, St Mark's Square, a tiny bed and breakfast. The canals are everywhere, serving as the main streets of town. But until you have taken an early morning walk and seen that even the garbage trucks are actually garbage boats, have you really seen and experienced Venice? Back door travel, it's more than just seeing the everyday tourist sites.

Water, water everywhere, and much wine to drink

Canal Canal

The one city that will draw us back, over and over. The best part was when all the day trippers went home and the streets took on a different charm.

Ben One of the standing jokes was that we didn't feel like a "real" tour group. The "real" tours always seemed to have a guide with a raised umbrella or little flag. Coming back from stopping for gelato, the ladies finally goaded Ben into being a real tour guide.

Spritzers alongside a canal, gondolas, the pigeon police at St Mark's Square, picnic fixin's, the ever present bancomats and the Hotel Serenissima

spritzer tower p police cheese supply bancomat hotel