Because We Can - Fulltime RV'ing


What Did We Do Today?

Wednesday June 17 Livingston, TX

A Busy Day


Just like yesterday morning, when I about the sink overflowing with spoons this morning, Linda said, "Looks like the spoon fairy was here once again." Spoonwasher Bob.


Linda is gone, but not because she was better. Gone because she was at the doctor again, but at a different walk in emergency clinic this time. And she was very pleased with this doctor unlike the one on Saturday. More medications, but this time in the quantity she needs as well as a stomach medication that should have been prescribed with one of her original antibiotics. She was definitely in a much better mood when I got off at 7 PM. Happier Linda. Happier Bob.


There are some foods that need a little help. The "Hoosier Stew" that was served at lunch was one of them.


The last of Tropical storm Bill passed through today. Torrential rain was the order of the day. Very long day once again so will sign off. The best news of all is that Linda is feeling much, much better tonight. Happiness is a smiling wife. Very Happy Bob.



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