Because We Can - Fulltime RV'ing


What Did We Do Today?

Tuesday June 2 Livingston, TX

Our First Work Day


Sunday we were washing dishes, today I was wiping down tables. But there is more to the day, and that is the rest of the story. Since what we are doing is different from our normal Life, over the next few days I'll spend some time telling about our routine here at Care. Our day started at 7AM when we took over for the next 24 hours. We unlocked the doors and recorded those who came for breakfast. Checked whether they were eating lunch and/or dinner, fielded phone calls from those who called to let us know their meal plans and called those who didn't call us. That way everyone has been checked on in the morning, making sure they are okay.

Another job was to wipe down the tables and chairs after breakfast and spot vacuum the carpet where needed, which is around any table where someone ate. The running joke is the biggest mess is always found at the table where the volunteers eat. Not to let out any secrets but that is oftentimes where the biggest mess was the last time we volunteered here. Disclaimer: Linda and I didn't eat breakfast in the dining room. I do own up to making a mess at lunch and diner though.

At 10 we rolled silverware into a napkin. Remembering the last time we did this, Linda allowed me some leeway in my rolling method and I was able to pretty much keep up with her. Finally she pulled a badly wrapped set out of the bin, held it up and asked aloud to no one in particular, "I wonder who wrapped this one?" This first occurrence of that question had me smiling and saying, "I don't know, but it sure wasn't me." The next time she asked that question I replied, "I'm sorry I messed up again. I'll try to do better." Smart Bob.

At 10:30 we were off until 11:15 when it was time to start keeping track of who was coming in for lunch. Then we both gained some more weight eating lunch, leaving shortly after one o'clock for our afternoon break. We walked around the park, hoping to keep our daily weight gain to a more tolerable level, then while I hurriedly wrote yesterday's Daily Journal, Linda spent time doing some online genealogy research. Then at 3:15 we walked back over to Care Center.


Dinner. I really didn't ask for two desserts, but since I ended up with them I ate them. One of the residents who gets two desserts with their meal had a doctor's appointment. They were very late getting back and they had some food restrictions placed on them. We had a meal made up for them and when they couldn't eat it, me, being the magnanimous individual that I am, volunteered to see that the meal didn't go to waste. Bob, The Ultimate Okay Guy.

I'll skip the afternoon and evening chores we had, saving those for a later post. Suffice it to say that we weren't finished until nearly 9:30. But that really wouldn't be the end of our shift, as the phones are forwarded to us overnight and if any resident needs help during the night we provide that. Actually, it isn't nearly as bad as it sounds, but we have to be ready to respond just in case.

Today we end with a quote from U.S. Senator John Hoeven. "Caring for our seniors is perhaps the greatest responsibility we have. Those who walked before us have given so much and made possible the life we all enjoy."



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