Because We Can - Fulltime RV'ing

Travel Statistics

How much, how far, how often

2006 Travel Statistics
Coach Miles Driven15632547411559579
Coach Miles per Day50.491.01.350.319.3
Toad Miles Driven1887573857054141087
Places Stayed During Month91511107
Nights in Parks/Campgrounds25231130
Nights Workcamping3130
Nights Boondocked1
Nights at Walmart152
Nights at Family8
Nights at Rallies10
Gallons of Diesel210.9352.8197.9162.9
Cost of Diesel$537.96$848.62$577.42$480.48
Cost per Gallon$2.55$2.41$2.92$2.95
Gallons of Gas46.648.122.732.914.065.2
Cost of Gas$105.01$102.89$54.27$95.94$37.68$178.57
Cost per Gallon$2.25$2.14$2.40$2.92$2.70$2.74
States Visited371133

2006 Travel Statistics
Coach Miles Driven219915241

Coach Miles per Day70.949.2

Toad Miles Driven1025924630
Places Stayed During Month12102
Nights in Parks/Campgrounds29182
Nights Workcamping28
Nights Boondocked212
Nights at Walmart1
Nights at Family
Nights at Rallies
Gallons of Diesel242.4191.8
Cost of Diesel$729.96$614.71
Cost per Gallon$3.01$3.20
Gallons of Gas48.2255.9515.54
Cost of Gas$145.52$168.06$45.05
Cost per Gallon$3.03$3.00$2.90
States Visited841